
DSC Technical Advisory Bulletin for HSM2108, HSM2108VIS and HSM2108 CCC

DSC Technical Advisory Bulletin for HSM2108, HSM2108VIS and HSM2108 CCC

Technical Advisory Bulletin: HSM2108, HSM2108VIS and HSM2108 CCC 
October 6, 2022
Hardwired Expansion Model

A small quantity of HSM2108, HSM2108VIS and HSM2108 CCC hardwired expansion modules manufactured after February 1 2022, may not have the necessary programming.

Affected units need to be replaced or returned to manufacturing based on the date of manufacturing.

*It was previously believed that the affected units were shipped in the period beginning February 01, 2022 to August 09, 2022. We have now found that the August 09,2022 date has been extended through September 01,2022.

Models and affected dates:

Models and affected dates:

Item Model No. Date (from) Date (to)
HSM2108 80006934 01-Feb-22 01-Sep-22
HSM2108VIS 80007604 01-Feb-22 01-Sep-22
HSM2108 CCC 80007427 01-Feb-22 01-Sep-22

The defective units can be identified by checking the date of manufacturing on the packaging in the format MM/DD/YY. If required please utilize the date code checker:

Defective units manufactured from February 01, 2022 to May 31, 2022 should be replaced if the status LED is not working and/or if the module does not enroll to the control panel.

Units manufactured from June 01, 2022 to August 09, 2022 should be returned to manufacturing facility ASAP following the standard RMA process you currently use with the DSC order desk.

Please check the date of manufacturing referenced above. Based on the date, please follow one of the actions listed below:

Date of manufacturing Action
February 01, 2022 – May 31, 2022 If the LED is not working, please ask for a replacement
June 01, 2022- September 01, 2022 Please return the modules ASAP to distribution


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